The Compassion Fatigue:

Assessing and Treating Secondary Traumatic Stress

Compassion fatigue is known to professionals by many names - secondary victimization, secondary traumatic stress disorder, vicarious traumatization. It is, simply expressed, a byproduct of care giving. The more intense and personal care given, the more vulnerable the care giver is to compassion fatigue. Individuals who provide 24 hour care for a family member with a life threatening disease or a fragile elderly parent are at special risk. Professionals who work with severely traumatized individuals are at high risk. Family and friends of trauma victims are susceptible to traumatic stress, as well as the professionals who treat the victims. Police, fire fighters, EMT's, and other emergency workers report that they are most vulnerable to compassion fatigue when dealing with the pain of children. While empathy is a major resource for therapists in the assessment and treatment of trauma, it is also a key factor in the development of secondary trauma in therapists.

Drawing from 30 years of service in the field of trauma, Shad Meshad is highly effective in his treatment of compassion fatigue. His treatment involves a two day session of hands on solutions which can make a dramatic difference in the professional and private lives of those working with and around trauma.

The two day workshop is an intensive learning experience relating to all aspects of the care giver's life and the critical work they are being asked to do. It impacts the emotional, psychological, physical, social and spiritual well being of the individual. It offers an understanding of how these areas are affected by the work they are doing and tools to prevent and treat any negative effects of this critical work.

Two day sessions are available to groups of ten or more for $300 per person. A one day session is also available to groups for $175 per person (the full two day session is highly recommended). Learn how to prevent and treat compassion fatigue in your life. Caring for yourself is the first step in effectively caring for others.

Call 310.568.1065 for further details.

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